There are days that cannot be forgotten.
We Italians are known all over the world for the very high quantity of holidays due to holidays present in our calendar, but I bet, and it would be enough to go to YouTube to confirm it, that most of the population does not know half the reasons behind a "Red day".
But without paying attention to these dates, there are other days, than within ours
System, although not having this colorful connotation, are considered "holidays".
How beautiful the holidays, isn't it?
Think of when, without masks and gloves, we had the opportunity to celebrate with the most expensive people, in disparate places, in rooms prepared for the occasion, or outdoors, in fantastic gardens or close to the waves of the sea.
At the theoretical level, a party is a convivial moment in which many people meet to "celebrate", in fact, something or someone. The modalities can be varied and of a very different nature from each other, but the guiding thread is conviviality, mixed with joy, words, chatter and the impagable desire to feel light.
This is how precisely that in my first 30 years of life, I saw a copious number of being human to join, or as the period requires us to say, "assembling".
But if with the magnifying glass, I tend to zoom on the month of March, the eighth day of this month, it is the one that is most afraid of me.
In my personal experience, in a pazzerello March, I lived scenes that have inverting, since the meaning of the "Women's Day" was misrepresented in "party for women only". Far from me to make controversy, but I want to accompany you in the premises that remind us that "beyond the legs there is more", between tables where we find women dressed in celebration, in a scent and
Joy, while "husbands are at home with their children, at least once a year".
In these clubs I would like to go into, with a camera in hand, a microphone and ask "what does women's party mean?".
I would not care if the answer was frivolous, empty of meaning and full of delicacies and chatter between friends, but I would like to glimpse the sense of freedom and the fire of passion and redemption that fills the foundations of this March day, why not ... not ... There is talk of a party.
On March 8 it is indicated improperly as a "women's day", because it has all the connotations to be defined as "women's day". If on the one hand of the table you find the friend who wants to drink at all costs, making his companions drunk (not only with words), on the other side of the table there are those who know the true meaning of the day, but want rightly Live an evening in joy.
But what I ask to all of you who are reading is to reflect, even just a minute, compared to this round number that is just before the Ides of March.
While looking for the meaning desperately on the internet, thinking that these are a misfortune of some women who died in a small New York industry in 1908, I stop you stressing that it is a small junctioning, because the fire to which reference is made on various pages Web took place in the same city but in 1911, where many people died, including a large number of women.
Ma se pensate ancora una volta che questo sia il motivo alle spalle di una “festa” del genere, vi sbagliate nuovamente, perché nel 1909, a maggio, il Woman’s Day ci fu a Chicago, quale conferenza del partito socialista, con delle tematiche inerenti allo sfruttamento delle figure femminili sul lavoro.
Da Chicago, il movimento prese piede per tutto il globo, basandosi sempre più sul diritto al voto femminile. La data, ancora incerta, passò da febbraio, ad agosto, fino a quando, in Russia, venne istituita proprio l’8 marzo, la “giornata internazionale dell’operaia”.
In 1922, this day was also taken up in Italy, but was chosen on March 12, before even establishing a common date for the whole planet.
It took, in fact, 1944 to establish that on March 8 it was the "women's day".
Since that year, after a Second World War that had made multiple countries kneel, including Italy, women took the place that was due to them, freeing themselves of all discrimination and inequality.
How many Baggianate! How can such a thing be asserted, if still today, inequality and palpable daily on the skin of these magnificent creatures?
Allow me to say, therefore, that I consider it necessary to take a few minutes to reflect and rethinking those who, in a distant society, from the retrograde mentality, have had to drain and demand a sacrosanct right for their lives, in the streets of the city, between screams and dissent.
Celebrate those women, remembering their greatness, courage and desire for redemption.
Celebrate those women, tireless workers, mothers, sisters, wives.
Celebrate those women, whose memory must be kept alive.
Celebrate those women who died from their right and to live a happy life.
Celebrate yes,
But are we sure we need a "party" to remember a woman's skills?
Author: Luigi Sprovieri