LMA How old is Giorgio Armani?
I would have liked to start this piece with the incipit of an animated Disney film, Hercules - "Some time ago in a distant land, there was a golden age of powerful and extraordinary heroes" - but I consider it is too anachronistic and out of place for The question that grips our minds: but how old is Giorgio Armani?
To you who are wondering if the Piacenza Sine Tempore designer, both in reality a cat and which therefore is making the most of the seven lives available to him, I answer that in reality it is nothing more than the personification of the Dante Purgatory on the ground; If in the poet of the poet, every soul could only rise if she was remembered and pretty, Giorgio rejuvenates every second more, whenever he is named. If you think about how many times I have already thought of it for this article, it should have already spared two years on the identity card.
But how you can not look at that white tuft as an icon of our country; We find it everywhere, not only in the world of fashion, but in culture, on crusades, in television quizzes with Gerry, Amadeus and Paolo, even in our homes, in those full drawers and overflowing with his style and his wanting more and more closer To all the people who have always loved him.
Giorgio was born as a "simple" medical student, who finds himself when, as a salesman, he understands he had to create a brand of him and that his own name of him, would have been perfect to remember him all over the world.
Who of you reads "Giorgio Armani" with the accent of Joò's water advertising? I can't detach myself from the "English Version" of reading.
But let's move on to the greatness of this man, who lends his signature in many international films, with timeless artists such as Leonardo Di Caprio, Christian Bale, Penelope Cruz and whoever has more, more put it ... but above all the gift of this character Legendary is the ability to make the woman unique in her own kind, with perfect and inimitable siluette, but at the same time accompanying man in the search for perfection and deep elegance.
But all this is learned in many years of experience ... and we still ask ourselves, how old is Giorgio Armani?
A lover of the sea and his yacht, Giorgione Nazionale (we do not talk about Chiellini), lent art to sport and music everywhere, reaching the limits of the world, even the columns of Hercules.
In short, covers, tabloids, Billboards, speak of him without ever denying his extreme competence and the art he holds in his hands, because he remains a king mida of our times, with every touch of him, anything, becomes gold.
But if for half a century we can enjoy the wonders of this man, who meets every type of customers and produced with the multiple brands, in which we find Emporio Armani, Armani Exchange for the youngest, Armani Casa, Armani Fiori, Armani Dolci, EA7, Privè and many others, we can only call ourselves extremely lucky, because such a art is to be considered almost unrepeatable.
For these last Olympics and Para-Olimpiadi, moreover, Armani has designed our official suits; We thank the great Vate for London 2012 and Rio 2016, underlining, at least personally, that the target/cheese Babybel on the white background, this year, was not so appreciated, but undeniable that the target has always been fully affected by him, Because nothing can be done but worshiping it.
So, how old is Mr. Giorgio Armani?
He is 87 years old ... we don't know which "number" of life he is experiencing, but surely we can define it exceptional.
"The life of Giò - Giorgio Armani" - I know you read it with the right accent!